with Pat Otto
6 sessions: June 7, 21, July 5, 19, and Aug. 2, 16, 2012
on alternate Thursdays from 6:30-8:30 pm
$165, 12 CEUs available*
Discover the unique qualities of watercolor painting
through creative, experimental exercises. In this workshop, you will be
introduced to a variety of watercolor activities, including expressive color
theory, in ways that promote both technical skills and personal self-expression
for yourself and/or in your work with clients.
Exploring color exercises early on will allow participants to use
watercolors without the pressure to create a picture of some thing. Plenty of these invaluable “through the back
door” methods will be provided so group members may become comfortable with their
materials. Additionally, a step-by-step guided
process is offered that will enable participants to become more aware of where their interests lie, why that may be so, and how the insights gained may be explored
and expressed creatively through watercolor media. In this way, participants will have learned
methods for creating watercolor paintings from conception to completion that
embody foundational skills and meaningful self-expression. Homework assignments will be included to build
self-confidence and support each individual’s personal painting practice.
This class is open to all but is especially suited for art therapists,
art educators, and clinicians who wish to increase self-confidence and skills
in using watercolor painting for self-expression and insight. Previous art experience is not
A detailed Supply List will be handed out and discussed at the first
session so questions may be addressed and confusion can be avoided before purchasing art materials.
To Register: Contact Pat Otto preferably
via email pat.otto@att.net. Pre-registration is required. CEUs are available for a $15 administrative
charge. Be advised tuition is refundable only if or when a workshop is canceled
due to lack of initial enrollment
Location: Blue Lotus Art Studio, 912 Sherman Ave., Evanston,
IL 60202
- visit Pat’s website at www.patottoart.com